Sign Up For Our Limited Edition KeyCapsules


Mar 25 2024


Timur Essam :

Thank you so much glorious for your products i like them so much and i wish to always keep buying your one of a kind products. Thank you!


I would love to be apart of the early access!

Sheena Kim:

Interested in replacing a vintage keyboard :)

Vinh Nguyen:

Glorious always beens great brand with great aesthetic.

Joel Vernier:

First time entering in drop, looking forward to explore what is available.


Love your keycaps!! Great quality and fairly priced!!



Anthony Senese Jr:

Hello, I’d like to sign up for the limited edition keycapsules please!
And to answer the hint , I’d say they may sketch or design their ideas or talk about it with someone for feedback.
Thanks and have a great day

amrose khan:

I work for Currys gaming expert program and would love to try new key caps and new products to show and demo to customers in store as well as staff training

Mikael Hagh:


Glorious Gaming Logo

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